Our sleep business

Sleep analysis data is supporting health.

We have deployed some stores as Japan's first wellness capsule hotel that provides sleep analysis services.
We scientifically measure sleep status and provide customers with analysis reports based on objective data.
Furthermore, by anonymizing and big data-izing sleep data from millions of people,
we contribute to solving all issues related to sleep by providing it to hospitals and research institutions.

For corporate clients


There are many diseases such as dementia, depression, and Parkinson's disease that are said to be accompanied by sleep disorders. When we talk to researchers of these diseases, they all say, "Research does not progress because there is not enough data about sleep.
Our mission is to anonymize the sleep big data obtained from the hotels where 1 million people stay annually and provide it to excellent researchers to strongly support research and contribute to people's health.

For corporate clients Our partners※an example

Examples of partner

Consumer Goods

Support clinical trials for existing products, market research, and the development of new products.


Conduct sleep analysis on multiple products in development and support product planning and development.


Support clinical trials and marketing activities for existing products.


Investigate the impact of materials on sleep, conduct market research, and utilize networks with various partners to support new product development.


Sleep device business

The need to sleep better and stay healthy is not limited to hotels. We have received many requests from customers who have stayed at our hotel, saying, "I want to try it at home or at work." In order to respond to such opinions, we aim to expand the sleep measurement and analysis technology cultivated in capsule hotels to homes, facilities for the elderly, and corporate nap facilities. In the near future, we want to contribute to creating an environment where everyone can experience the best sleep wherever they are.

Corporate Napping Facilities

Introduce sleep analysis in nap rooms at companies with many drivers or shift workers, aiming for daily health management.


Conduct daily sleep analysis to manage health and aim for early disease detection.

Childcare Facilities

Research the sleep of young children, who are said to have optimal sleep, and the sleep of children with developmental disorders.

Elderly Care Facilities

Conduct daily sleep analysis to manage health and aim for early disease detection.

For hotel guests


Sleep analysis service 9h sleep fitscan

The 9h sleep fitscan service offered at 9h nine hours is designed to measure the quality of sleep and breathing patterns of guests staying in our hotels. With the consent of our guests, sensors within the capsule bed measure body movements, snoring sounds, and sleep facial images, and these results are then sent to the guests in the form of a sleep report. By combining advanced sensing technology with the unique features of our capsule units that envelop the body from all angles, we achieve highly accurate sleep analysis.

See details (Go to reservation site)


Sleep examination service

Our hotels are used by nearly one million people a year. Many customers are troubled by sleep problems, and many feel anxiety about their minds and bodies.
To address these concerns, for customers whose sleep analysis values ​​indicate poor sleep and disease risks, we will introduce them to hospitals under the cooperation of university hospitals and clinics.
We plan to conduct 100,000 sleep measurements annually at our four facilities/360 beds.

Examples of disease risks: Sleep apnea syndrome / depression / myocardial infarction


Development of new capsules

We have developed capsules that realize more comfortable sleep and highly accurate sleep analysis, such as improving sound insulation performance and improving sleep analysis sensors, and provide them at 9h nine hours locations nationwide.

Business inquiries

For those interested in the sleep industry, conducting research, or considering business expansion related to sleep,
please feel free to contact us.


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